She continued. "Sixth rule: the fights are bare knuckle. No shirt, no shoes, no weapons. Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to." She stopped and glared at everyone, her unblinking stare piercing each heart for what seemed like an eternity, though she did not tarry on any one person for more than a split second.
"And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight."

I had no idea what to expect when I was "invited" to this club. A friend of mine from work had gone once and said it had changed his life. But the first and second rules were that you couldn't talk about it, so I would just have to see for myself.
I was one of the first to arrive, only my buddy Dave and three others were arriving with me. It was a crappy little bar in the middle of a vast parking lot. Middle of nowhere in downtown Los Angeles.
We walked down to the basement together, but it was there that things took a turn for the unexpected.
A wave of naseaua hit me, but left as soon as it came. I felt off. But when I looked around, I noticed that I was suddenly surrounded by brutal and beautiful looking women. They were tattooed and bruised, each with a look of harsh intensity.
Others were arriving, each becoming a different woman. Most were tattooed, some had sports tape wrapped around their large breasts for protection. All looked ready to kick ass.
It was after I had seen so many other transformations that I finally thought to look at my own.
"This is the woman inside you," said a woman who stood where Dave once was. "This is who you will fight with."

"Fight?" I asked. I my first word in this new body.
"You'll see."
It was then that Tyler Durden first came down the stairs. She was a menacing woman, tattoos running up and down her arms and stomach. Her breasts were bigger than most of ours and in her eyes we saw the fiery passion that I was just beginning to feel. She immediately stood in the center of the room.
"Welcome to Fight Club..." she began.
It was my first night. I had to fight.
The woman who used to be Dave, now a tall brunette with smoldering brown eyes, came forward, took my wrist, and led me to the middle of the ring. I would be tonight's first fight.

I pushed away and turned to face Dave. My boobs were sore and scratched, my knuckles bleeding and bruised. Blood dripped down the side of my face. Panting and smiling, I stared into the eyes of my opponent, seeing the matching exhausted glee in his eyes as well. She was just as bruised as I was. Each of us were on our last legs. We had knocked each other down over and over. I had smashed his head into the cement and he had nearly broken one of my arms. The next blow would determine this fight.

Dave leaned in before going to watch the next fight, "Hooked?"
I smiled, half deranged and exhilarated. I rolled my head to face him. Blood dripped from my mouth. "Rematch next week."

Tyler lit another cigarette with a quick flip of his silver lighter.
I watched other fights from my spot against the wall. I cheered with the other women, though each cry was partly a cry from pain. At the end of the night, nearly half the room was bruised and beaten, but the fire of the night was alight within them.
Each turned back into the man they had been as they left the harshly lit basement into the crisp night air, but I could see the stride of the prideful women inside them.
I was the last to leave. I waited until even Tyler Durden had left the basement. I looked down at the blood and sweat that drenched the floor. Taking a deep breath of the stench trapped down here, I knew I was hooked.

I am Scarlett's wasted life. She is my smirking revenge.
<3 Suicide girls. That was a cool set. The girl with the pink hair Casino is actually one of my real life friends. She is such a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great awesome story! Of course there are a few overlooked pronouns, but this is an impressive use of the story to go with the pics.